workflow automation
Workflow automation
Workflow automation refers to the technology using the rule-based logic to automate manual work by designing, executing, and automating processes based on predefined business rules where the data, documents, information, and human tasks are routed between people and systems.
Workflow automation of those processes that are essentially handled by humans can significantly improve the efficiency, productivity, accuracy, and accountability of those tasks. A recent study by Mckinsey and Co. found out that at least one-third of business processes could be automated in as much as 60% of the jobs freeing up valuable time of company employees to focus on innovations and other duties increasing the business efficiency and performance.
Workflow automation saves time and increases business return on investment by streamlining tedious tasks and this where Akiko steps in.
Akiko helps its customers in optimizing workflows and use their talented employees to focus on the tasks that require more attention and care. Akiko takes pride in helping its customers in examining what processes can be automated by taking a careful look at what core tasks can be done by technology helping determine where the business can boost efficiency and productivity.
Akiko helps its partners select the best imaging devices and software tailored to optimizing the workflow needs of its customers saving crucial company resources such as time and money. Workflow automation solutions at Akiko help its customers eliminate tedious and tiresome employee tasks in marketing, finance, human resource, and even in the legal department by providing a digitized solution for scanning the documents, create a pdf that can be stored or shared via email, upload to the cloud, or even link it to the database instantly and simultaneously, without even breaking a sweat.