Remember the times when sharing a 400-page document meant photocopying each page and sharing physical copies with everyone around. Just imagine doing that today, how long, and tedious would this task be! It would have been a ‘Dog’s Breakfast’ really mate!! It would take forever if it were not for the current age of digital scanners. I am sure I would have wasted days in just copying and then sending the copies around, but these orthodox ways of sharing information are long gone.
It is safe to say it makes all of us relieved and happier considering scanning physical documents has become a usual part of our lives. A big part of my job includes scanning, studying, analyzing, and sharing documents and contract agreements. The Production Business Scanners have really eased my life, no more worrying about the tons of photocopies, paper jams, scanning multiple documents, or even in-fact the need to move away from your desk!
There are so many scanners these days but still, imagine yourself getting 100s of pages of documents every day, having the responsibility of making sure each one of them is correctly sorted and stored at company cloud servers. Also ensuring that these servers are connected to the right network for it to give access to all the interested authorized personnel in a timely fashion!
Still sounds tedious and tiresome, doesn’t it? Well, that’s a pivotal part of my job and let me break it to you, it is not at all tiresome. These days I can do all of this with just one click of a button, you might not believe me just now but here me out. I can now get done with these rambling tasks in minutes! I cannot even begin to assess the return on investment my business has made in terms of time, money, space, and just a simple increase in business efficiency.
These latest scanners by Kodak Alaris can scan the documents in seconds, create a pdf and share it via email, upload to cloud, or even link it to the database instantly and simultaneously, without even breaking a sweat!
Needless to say, this has transformed the paper workflow efficiency. This digital transformation has made the lives of my colleagues and me so much more than just easier for us to focus on further innovations in our day to day life. The merits of easy scanning, easy sharing, and providing easy access to any information anytime anywhere in a paperless environment is true bliss! The icing on the cake is the added advantage of secure data transmission provided by the seamless data protection on the servers.
If technology is a boon, these production scanners is the tool of the opportune! It is here to stay!